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Pascal/Delphi Source File
1,431 lines
{ }
{ Turbo Pascal for Windows Run-time Library }
{ Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit }
{ }
{ Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International }
{ }
unit Win31;
uses WinTypes;
rt_Group_Cursor = rt_Cursor + Difference;
rt_Group_Icon = rt_Icon + Difference;
err_Warning = $8000;
err_Param = $4000;
err_Size_Mask = $3000;
err_Byte = $1000;
err_Word = $2000;
err_DWord = $3000;
{***** LogParamError() values }
{ Generic parameter values }
err_Bad_Value = $6001;
err_Bad_Flags = $6002;
err_Bad_Index = $6003;
err_Bad_DValue = $7004;
err_Bad_DFlags = $7005;
err_Bad_DIndex = $7006;
err_Bad_Ptr = $7007;
err_Bad_Func_Ptr = $7008;
err_Bad_Selector = $6009;
err_Bad_String_ptr = $700a;
err_Bad_Handle = $600b;
{ KERNEL parameter errors }
err_Bad_HInstance = $6020;
err_Bad_HModule = $6021;
err_Bad_Global_Handle = $6022;
err_Bad_Local_Handle = $6023;
err_Bad_Atom = $6024;
err_Bad_Hfile = $6025;
{ USER parameter errors }
err_Bad_HWnd = $6040;
err_Bad_HMenu = $6041;
err_Bad_HCursor = $6042;
err_Bad_HIcon = $6043;
err_Bad_HDWP = $6044;
err_Bad_CID = $6045;
err_Bad_HDrvr = $6046;
{ GDI parameter errors }
err_Bad_COORDS = $7060;
err_Bad_GDI_OBJECT = $6061;
err_Bad_HDC = $6062;
err_Bad_HPEN = $6063;
err_Bad_HFONT = $6064;
err_Bad_HBRUSH = $6065;
err_Bad_HBITMAP = $6066;
err_Bad_HRGN = $6067;
err_Bad_HPALETTE = $6068;
err_Bad_HMETAFILE = $6069;
{**** LogError() values }
{ KERNEL errors }
err_GAlloc = $0001;
err_GRealloc = $0002;
err_GLock = $0003;
err_LAlloc = $0004;
err_LRealloc = $0005;
err_LLock = $0006;
err_ALlocres = $0007;
err_LockRes = $0008;
err_LoadModule = $0009;
{ USER errors }
err_CreateDlg = $0040;
err_CreateDlg2 = $0041;
err_RegisterClass = $0042;
err_DCBusy = $0043;
err_CreateWnd = $0044;
err_StrucExtra = $0045;
err_LoadStr = $0046;
err_LoadMenu = $0047;
err_NestedBeginPaint = $0048;
err_BadIndex = $0049;
err_CreateMenu = $004a;
{ GDI errors }
err_CreateDC = $0080;
err_CreateMeta = $0081;
err_DelObjSelected = $0082;
err_SelBitmap = $0083;
{ WINDEBUGINFO flags values }
wdi_Options = $0001;
wdi_Filter = $0002;
wdi_AllocBreak = $0004;
{ dwOptions values }
dbo_CheckHeap = $0001;
dbo_BufferFill = $0004;
dbo_DisableGPTrapping = $0010;
dbo_CheckFree = $0020;
dbo_Silent = $8000;
dbo_TraceBreak = $2000;
dbo_WarningBreak = $1000;
dbo_NoErrorBreak = $0800;
dbo_NofatalBreak = $0400;
dbo_INT3Break = $0100;
{ DebugOutput flags values }
dbf_Trace = $0000;
dbf_Warning = $4000;
dbf_Error = $8000;
dbf_Fatal = $c000;
{ dwFilter values }
dbf_Kernel = $1000;
dbf_Krn_MemMan = $0001;
dbf_Krn_LoadModule = $0002;
dbf_Krn_SegmentLoad = $0004;
dbf_User = $0800;
dbf_GDI = $0400;
dbf_MMSystem = $0040;
dbf_Penwin = $0020;
dbf_Application = $0008;
dbf_Driver = $0010;
ew_RebootSystem = $43;
{ SetErrorMode() constants }
sem_FailCriticalErrors = $0001;
sem_NoGPFaultErrorBox = $0002;
sem_NoOpenFileErrorBox = $8000;
hInstance_Error = THandle(32);
of_Verify = $0400; { Used with OF_REOPEN }
{ _llseek origin values }
seek_set = 0;
seek_cur = 1;
seek_end = 2;
{ Errors }
wn_Success = $0000;
wn_Not_Supported = $0001;
wn_Net_Error = $0002;
wn_More_Data = $0003;
wn_Bad_Pointer = $0004;
wn_Bad_Value = $0005;
wn_Bad_Password = $0006;
wn_Access_Denied = $0007;
wn_Function_Busy = $0008;
wn_Windows_Error = $0009;
wn_Bad_User = $000A;
wn_Out_Of_Memory = $000B;
wn_Cancel = $000C;
wn_Continue = $000D;
{ Connection errors }
wn_Not_Connected = $0030;
wn_Open_Files = $0031;
wn_Bad_Netname = $0032;
wn_Bad_Localname = $0033;
wn_Already_Connected = $0034;
wn_Device_Error = $0035;
wn_Connection_Closed = $0036;
cc_RoundRect = $0100;
cp_Region = $0002;
rc_GDI20_State = $0020;
rc_SaveBitmap = $0040;
rc_OP_DX_Output = $4000;
rc_DevBits = $8000;
Default_Charset = 1;
Hangeul_Charset = 129;
ChineseBig5_Charset = 136;
{ OutPrecision values }
out_TT_Precis = 4;
out_Device_Precis = 5;
out_Raster_Precis = 6;
out_TT_Only_Precis = 7;
{ ClipPrecision values }
clip_Mask = $0F;
clip_LH_Angles = $10;
clip_TT_Always = $20;
clip_Embedded = $80;
{ tmPitchAndFamily values }
tmpf_Fixed_Pitch = $01;
tmpf_Vector = $02;
tmpf_Device = $08;
tmpf_Truetype = $04;
{ new StretchBlt() Modes (simpler names) }
stretch_ANDScans = 1;
stretch_ORScans = 2;
stretch_DeleteScans = 3;
{ Metafile Functions }
meta_StretchDIB = $0f43;
meta_ExtFloodFill = $0548;
meta_ResetDC = $014C;
meta_StartDoc = $014D;
meta_StartPage = $004F;
meta_EndPage = $0050;
meta_AbortDoc = $0052;
meta_EndDoc = $005E;
GetFaceName = 513;
{ wm_Size message wParam values }
size_Restored = 0;
size_Minimized = 1;
size_Maximized = 2;
size_MaxShow = 3;
size_MaxHide = 4;
{ wm_KeyUp/Down/Char HiWord(lParam) flags }
kf_Extended = $0100;
kf_DLGMode = $0800;
kf_MenuMode = $1000;
kf_AltDown = $2000;
kf_Repeat = $4000;
kf_Up = $8000;
{ wm_Activate state values }
wa_Inactive = 0;
wa_Active = 1;
wa_ClickActive = 2;
{ Dialog window class }
wc_Dialog = MakeIntAtom($8002);
{ Get/SetWindowWord/Long offsets for use with wc_Dialog windows }
dwl_MsgResult = 0;
dwl_DLGProc = 4;
dwl_User = 8;
{ Redefined wm_NCHitTest return values }
htMinButton = 8;
htMaxButton = 9;
htBorder = 18;
{ Special HWND value for use with PostMessage() and SendMessage() }
hWnd_Broadcast = $FFFF;
wh_MsgFilter = -1;
{ CallMsgFilter() and WH_SYS/MSGFILTER context codes }
msgf_MainLoop = 8;
msgf_User = 4096;
{***** Power management ***************************************************}
wm_Power = $0048;
{ wParam for WM_POWER window message and DRV_POWER driver notification }
pwr_Ok = 1;
pwr_Fail = -1;
pwr_SuspendRequest = 1;
pwr_SuspendResume = 2;
pwr_CriticalResume = 3;
wm_SystemError = $0017;
gcw_Atom = -32;
{ WM_SHOWWINDOW wParam codes }
sw_OtherMaximized = 2;
sw_OtherRestored = 4;
{ Special value for CreateWindow, et al. }
hWnd_Desktop = 0;
wf_Paging = $0800;
wf_WLO = $8000;
obm_UpArrowI = 32737;
obm_DnArrowI = 32736;
obm_RgArrowI = 32735;
obm_LfArrowI = 32734;
MouseTrails = 39;
GetSetScreenParams = 800;
{ Network support }
function WNetAddConnection(lpszNetPath, lpszPassword,
lpszLocalName: PChar): Word;
function WNetGetConnection(lpszLocalName, lpszRemoteName: PChar;
cbBufferSize: PWord): Word;
function WNetCancelConnection(lpszName: PChar; tForce: Bool): Word;
PNewTextMetric = ^TNewTextMetric;
TNewTextMetric = record
tmHeight: Integer;
tmAscent: Integer;
tmDescent: Integer;
tmInternalLeading: Integer;
tmExternalLeading: Integer;
tmAveCharWidth: Integer;
tmMaxCharWidth: Integer;
tmWeight: Integer;
tmItalic: Byte;
tmUnderlined: Byte;
tmStruckOut: Byte;
tmFirstChar: Byte;
tmLastChar: Byte;
tmDefaultChar: Byte;
tmBreakChar: Byte;
tmPitchAndFamily: Byte;
tmCharSet: Byte;
tmOverhang: Integer;
tmDigitizedAspectX: Integer;
tmDigitizedAspectY: Integer;
ntmFlags: Longint; { various flags (fsSelection) }
ntmSizeEM: Word; { size of EM }
ntmCellHeight: Word; { height of font in notional units }
ntmAvgWidth: Word; { average width in notional units }
ntm_Regular = $00000040; { possible ntmFlags bits }
ntm_Bold = $00000020;
ntm_Italic = $00000001;
lf_FullFaceSize = 64;
PEnumLogFont = ^TEnumLogFont;
TEnumLogFont = record
elfLogFont: TLogFont;
elfFullName: array[0..LF_FULLFACESIZE-1] of Char;
elfStyle: array[0..LF_FACESIZE-1] of Char;
dcx_Window = $00000001;
dcx_Cache = $00000002;
dcx_ClipChildren = $00000008;
dcx_ClipSiblings = $00000010;
dcx_ParentClip = $00000020;
dcx_ExcludeRgn = $00000040;
dcx_IntersectRgn = $00000080;
dcx_LockWindowUpdate = $00000400;
dcx_UseStyle = $00010000;
dcb_Reset = $0001;
dcb_Accumulate = $0002;
dcb_Dirty = dcb_Accumulate;
dcb_Set = dcb_Reset or dcb_Accumulate;
dcb_Enable = $0004;
dcb_Disable = $0008;
{ GetGlyphOutline constants }
ggo_Metrics = 0;
ggo_Bitmap = 1;
ggo_Native = 2;
tt_Polygon_Type = 24;
tt_Prim_Line = 1;
tt_Prim_QSPLine = 2;
PPanose = ^TPanose;
TPanose = record
bFamilyType: Byte;
bSerifStyle: Byte;
bWeight: Byte;
bProportion: Byte;
bContrast: Byte;
bStrokeVariation: Byte;
bArmStyle: Byte;
bLetterform: Byte;
bMidline: Byte;
bXHeight: Byte;
POutlineTextMetric = ^TOutlineTextMetric;
TOutlineTextMetric = record
otmSize: Word; { I size of this structure }
otmTextMetrics: TTextMetric; { regular text metrics }
otmFiller: Byte; { want to be word aligned }
otmPanoseNumber: TPanose; { Panose number of font }
otmfsSelection: Word; { B Font selection flags (see #defines) }
otmfsType: Word; { B Type indicators (see #defines) }
otmsCharSlopeRise: Word; { Slope angle Rise / Run 1 vertical }
otmsCharSlopeRun: Word; { 0 vertical }
otmEMSquare: Word; { N size of EM }
otmAscent: Word; { D ascent above baseline }
otmDescent: Word; { D descent below baseline }
otmLineGap: Word; { D }
otmCapEmHeight: Word; { D height of upper case M }
otmXHeight: Word; { D height of lower case chars in font }
otmrcFontBox: TRect; { D Font bounding box }
otmMacAscent: Word; { D ascent above baseline for Mac }
otmMacDescent: Word; { D descent below baseline for Mac }
otmMacLineGap: Word; { D }
otmusMinimumPPEM: Word; { D Minimum point ppem }
otmptSubscriptSize: TPoint; { D Size of subscript }
otmptSubscriptOffset: TPoint; { D Offset of subscript }
otmptSuperscriptSize: TPoint; { D Size of superscript }
otmptSuperscriptOffset: TPoint; { D Offset of superscript }
otmsStrikeoutSize: Word; { D Strikeout size }
otmsStrikeoutPosition: Word; { D Strikeout position }
otmsUnderscoreSize: Word; { D Underscore size }
otmsUnderscorePosition: Word; { D Underscore position }
otmpFamilyName: PChar; { offset to family name }
otmpFaceName: PChar; { offset to face name }
otmpStyleName: PChar; { offset to Style string }
otmpFullName: PChar; { offset to full name }
PFixed = ^TFixed;
TFixed = record
fract: Word;
value: Integer;
PMat2 = ^TMat2;
TMat2 = record
eM11: TFixed;
eM12: TFixed;
eM21: TFixed;
eM22: TFixed;
PGlyphMetrics = ^TGlyphMetrics;
TGlyphMetrics = record
gmBlackBoxX: Word;
gmBlackBoxY: Word;
gmptGlyphOrigin: TPoint;
gmCellIncX: Integer;
gmCellIncY: Integer;
PPointFX = ^TPointFX;
TPointFX = record
x: TFixed;
y: TFixed;
PTTPolyCurve = ^TTTPolyCurve;
TTTPolyCurve = record
wType: Word;
cpfx: Word;
apfx: array[0..0] of TPointFX;
PPolygonHeader = ^TPolygonHeader;
TPolygonHeader = record
cb: Longint;
dwType: Longint;
pfxStart: TPointFX;
TABC = record
abcA: Integer;
abcB: Word;
abcC: Integer;
PRasterizer_Status = ^TRasterizer_Status;
TRasterizer_Status = record
nSize: Integer;
wFlags: Integer;
nLanguageID: Integer;
{ bits defined in wFlags of TRasterizer_Status }
tt_Available = $0001;
tt_Enabled = $0002;
sb_LineLeft = 0;
sb_LineRight = 1;
sb_PageLeft = 2;
sb_PageRight = 3;
sb_Left = 6;
sb_Right = 7;
esb_Enable_Both = $0000;
esb_Disable_Both = $0003;
esb_Disable_Left = $0001;
esb_Disable_Right = $0002;
esb_Disable_Up = $0001;
esb_Disable_Down = $0002;
esb_Disable_LtUp = esb_Disable_Left;
esb_Disable_RtDn = esb_Disable_Right;
vk_F17 = $80;
vk_F18 = $81;
vk_F19 = $82;
vk_F20 = $83;
vk_F21 = $84;
vk_F22 = $85;
vk_F23 = $86;
vk_F24 = $87;
vk_Scroll = $91;
wm_CommNotify = $0044;
wm_WindowPosChanging = $0046;
wm_WindowPosChanged = $0047;
wm_DropFiles = $0233;
wm_PenWinFirst = $0380;
wm_PenWinLast = $038F;
wm_Coalesce_First = $0390;
wm_Coalesce_Last = $039F;
{ wm_WindowPosChanging/Changed record pointed to by lParam }
PWindowPos = ^TWindowPos;
TWindowPos = record
hWnd: HWnd;
hWndInsertAfter: HWnd;
x: Integer;
y: Integer;
cx: Integer;
cy: Integer;
flags: Word;
PNCCalcSize_Params = ^TNCCalcSize_Params;
TNCCalcSize_Params = record
rgrc: array[0..2] of TRect;
lppos: PWindowPos;
{ wm_NCCalcSize "window valid rect" return values }
wvr_AlignTop = $0010;
wvr_AlignLeft = $0020;
wvr_AlignBottom = $0040;
wvr_AlignRight = $0080;
wvr_HRedraw = $0100;
wvr_VRedraw = $0200;
wvr_Redraw = wvr_HRedraw or wvr_VRedraw;
wvr_ValidTRectS = $0400;
ma_NOActivateAndEat = 4;
ws_ex_TopMost = $00000008;
ws_ex_AcceptFiles = $00000010;
ws_ex_Transparent = $00000020;
cf_PenData = 10;
cf_RIFF = 11;
cf_Wave = 12;
{ Special HWnd values for SetWindowPos() hwndInsertAfter }
hwnd_Top = HWnd(0);
hwnd_Bottom = HWnd(1);
hwnd_TopMost = HWnd(-1);
hwnd_NoTopMost = HWnd(-2);
{ GetQueueStatus flags }
qs_Key = $0001;
qs_MouseMove = $0002;
qs_MouseButton = $0004;
qs_Mouse = qs_MouseMove or qs_MouseButton;
qs_PostMessage = $0008;
qs_Timer = $0010;
qs_Paint = $0020;
qs_SendMessage = $0040;
qs_AllInput = $007F;
sm_CXDoubleClk = 36;
sm_CYDoubleClk = 37;
sm_CXIconSpacing = 38;
sm_CYIconSpacing = 39;
sm_MenuDropAlignment = 40;
sm_PenWindows = 41;
sm_DBCSEnabled = 42;
sm_CMetrics = 43; { this overrides WINTYPES.PAS }
{ Flags for TrackPopupMenu }
tpm_LeftButton = $0000;
tpm_RightButton = $0002;
tpm_LeftAlign = $0000;
tpm_CenterAlign = $0004;
tpm_RightAlign = $0008;
{ RedrawWindow() flags }
rdw_Invalidate = $0001;
rdw_InternalPaint = $0002;
rdw_Erase = $0004;
rdw_Validate = $0008;
rdw_NoInternalPaint = $0010;
rdw_NoErase = $0020;
rdw_NoChildren = $0040;
rdw_AllChildren = $0080;
rdw_UpdateNow = $0100;
rdw_EraseNow = $0200;
rdw_Frame = $0400;
rdw_NoFrame = $0800;
sw_ScrollChildren = $0001; { Scroll children within *lprcScroll. }
sw_Invalidate = $0002; { Invalidate after scrolling }
sw_Erase = $0004; { If sw_Invalidate, don't send wm_EraseBackground }
color_InactiveCaptionText = 19;
color_BtnHighlight = 20;
HHook = Longint;
THookProc = function (Code: Integer; wParam: Word; lParam: Longint): Longint;
wh_CBT = 5;
wh_SysMsgFilter = 6;
wh_Mouse = 7;
wh_Hardware = 8;
wh_Debug = 9;
wh_Shell = 10;
hshell_WindowCreated = 1;
hshell_WindowDestroyed = 2;
hshell_ActivateShellWindow = 3;
{ CBT Hook Codes }
hcbt_MoveSize = 0;
hcbt_MinMax = 1;
hcbt_QS = 2;
hcbt_CreateWnd = 3;
hcbt_DestroyWnd = 4;
hcbt_Activate = 5;
hcbt_ClickSkipped = 6;
hcbt_KeySkipped = 7;
hcbt_SysCommAnd = 8;
hcbt_SetFocus = 9;
{ hcbt_CreateWnd parameters pointed to by lParam }
PCBT_CreateWnd = ^TCBT_CreateWnd;
TCBT_CreateWnd = record
lpcs: PCreateStruct;
hWndInsertAfter: HWnd;
PMouseHookStruct = ^TMouseHookStruct;
TMouseHookStruct = record
pt: TPoint;
hWnd: HWnd;
wHitTestCode: Word;
dwExtraInfo: Longint;
PCBTActivateStruct = ^TCBTActivateStruct;
TCBTActivateStruct = record
fMouse: Bool;
hWndActive: HWnd;
PHardwareHookStruct = ^THardwareHookStruct;
THardwareHookStruct = record
hWnd: HWnd;
wMessage: Word;
wParam: Word;
lParam: Longint;
{ Message Structure used in Journaling }
PEventMsg = TEventMsg;
TEventMsg = record
message: Word;
param: Word;
paramH: Word;
time: Longint;
sc_ScreenSave = $F140;
sc_Hotkey = $F150;
es_ReadOnly = $0800;
es_WantReturn = $1000;
em_GetFirstVisibleLine = wm_User+30;
em_SetReadOnly = wm_User+31;
em_SetWordBreakProc = wm_User+32;
em_GetWordBreakProc = wm_User+33;
em_GetPasswordChar = wm_User+34;
TEditWordBreakProc = function(lpch: PChar; ichCurrent: Integer; cch: Integer;
Code: Integer): Integer;
{ TEditWordBreakProc code values }
wb_Left = 0;
wb_Right = 1;
wb_IsDelimiter = 2;
stm_SetIcon = wm_User+0;
stm_GetIcon = wm_User+1;
{ DlgDirList, DlgDirListComboBox flags values }
ddl_ReadWrite = $0001;
ddl_ReadOnly = $0002;
ddl_Hidden = $0004;
ddl_System = $0008;
ddl_Directory = $0010;
ddl_Archive = $0020;
ddl_PostMsgs = $2000;
ddl_Drives = $4000;
ddl_Exclusive = $8000;
lb_SetCaretIndex = wm_User+31;
lb_GetCaretIndex = wm_User+32;
lb_SetItemHeight = wm_User+33;
lb_GetItemHeight = wm_User+34;
lb_FindStringExact = wm_User+35;
lbs_DisableNoScroll = $1000;
cbn_Closeup = 8;
cbn_SelEndOk = 9;
cbn_SelEndCancel = 10;
cbs_DisableNoScroll = $0800;
cb_GetDroppedControlRect = wm_User+18;
cb_SetItemHeight = wm_User+19;
cb_GetItemHeight = wm_User+20;
cb_SetExtendedUI = wm_User+21;
cb_GetExtendedUI = wm_User+22;
cb_GetDroppedState = wm_User+23;
cb_FindStringExact = wm_User+24;
ev_CTSS = $0400; { CTS state }
ev_DSRS = $0800; { DSR state }
ev_RLSDS = $1000; { RLSD state }
ev_RingTe = $2000; { Ring trailing edge indicator }
GetMaxLPT = 8; { Max supported LPT id }
GetMaxCOM = 9; { Max supported COM id }
GetBaseIRQ = 10; { Get port base & irq for a port }
{ Comm Baud Rate indices }
cbr_110 = $FF10;
cbr_300 = $FF11;
cbr_600 = $FF12;
cbr_1200 = $FF13;
cbr_2400 = $FF14;
cbr_4800 = $FF15;
cbr_9600 = $FF16;
cbr_14400 = $FF17;
cbr_19200 = $FF18;
cbr_38400 = $FF1B;
cbr_56000 = $FF1F;
cbr_128000 = $FF23;
cbr_256000 = $FF27;
{ notifications passed in low word of lParam on wm_CommNotify messages }
cn_Receive = $01; { bytes are available in the input queue }
cn_Transmit = $02; { fewer than wOutTrigger bytes still }
{ remain in the output queue waiting }
{ to be transmitted. }
cn_Event = $0004;
drv_Load = $0001;
drv_Enable = $0002;
drv_Open = $0003;
drv_Close = $0004;
drv_Disable = $0005;
drv_Free = $0006;
drv_Configure = $0007;
drv_QueryConfigure = $0008;
drv_Install = $0009;
drv_Remove = $000A;
drv_ExitSession = $000B;
drv_ExitApplication = $000C;
drv_Power = $000F;
drv_Reserved = $0800;
drv_User = $4000;
{ Supported return values for drv_Configure message }
drvcnf_Cancel = $0000;
drvcnf_OK = $0001;
drvcnf_Restart = $0002;
drvea_NormalExit = $0001;
drvea_AbnormalExit = $0002;
{ GetNextDriver flags }
gnd_Forward = $00000000;
gnd_FirstInstanceOnly = $00000001;
gnd_Reverse = $00000002;
PDriverInfoStruct = ^TDriverInfoStruct;
TDriverInfoStruct = record
length: Word;
hDriver: THandle;
hModule: THandle;
szAliasName: array[0..128] of Char;
PDrvConfigInfo = ^TDrvConfigInfo;
TDrvConfigInfo = record
dwDCISize: Longint;
lpszDCISectionName: PChar;
lpszDCIAliasName: PChar;
{ MDI client style bits }
mdis_AllChildStyles = $0001;
{ wParam Flags for wm_MDITILE and wm_MDICASCADE messages. }
mditile_Vertical = $0000;
mditile_Horizontal = $0001;
mditile_SkipDisabled = $0002;
{ Parameter for SystemParametersInfo() }
spi_GetBeep = 1;
spi_SetBeep = 2;
spi_GetMouse = 3;
spi_SetMouse = 4;
spi_GetBorder = 5;
spi_SetBorder = 6;
spi_GetKeyBoardSpeed = 10;
spi_SetKeyBoardSpeed = 11;
spi_LangDriver = 12;
spi_IconHorizontalSpacing = 13;
spi_GetScreenSaveTimeout = 14;
spi_SetScreenSaveTimeout = 15;
spi_GetScreenSaveActive = 16;
spi_SetScreenSaveActive = 17;
spi_GetGridGranularity = 18;
spi_SetGridGranularity = 19;
spi_SetDeskWallpaper = 20;
spi_SetDeskPattern = 21;
spi_GetKeyBoardDelay = 22;
spi_SetKeyBoardDelay = 23;
spi_IconVerticalSpacing = 24;
spi_GetIconTitleWrap = 25;
spi_SetIconTitleWrap = 26;
spi_GetMenuDropAlignment = 27;
spi_SetMenuDropAlignment = 28;
spi_SetDoubleClkWidth = 29;
spi_SetDoubleClkHeight = 30;
spi_GetIconTitleLogfont = 31;
spi_SetDoubleClickTime = 32;
spi_SetMouseButtonSwap = 33;
spi_SetIconTitleLogfont = 34;
spi_GetFastTaskSwitch = 35;
spi_SetFastTaskSwitch = 36;
{ Flags }
spif_UpdateIniFile = $0001;
spif_SendWinIniChange = $0002;
PDocInfo = ^TDocInfo;
TDocInfo = record
cbSize: Integer;
lpszDocName: PChar;
lpszOutput: PChar;
TAbortProc = function (DC: HDC; Error: Integer): Boolean;
TTask = Word;
PWinDebugInfo = ^TWinDebugInfo;
TWinDebugInfo = record
Flags: Word;
dwOptions: Longint;
dwFilter: Longint;
achAllocModule: array[0..7] of Char;
dwAllocBreak: Longint;
dwAllocCount: Longint;
wpf_SetMinPosition = $0001;
wpf_RestoreToMaximized = $0002;
swp_FrameChanged = $0020;
swp_NoOwnerZOrder = $0200;
swp_NoSendChanging = $0400;
swp_DeferErase = $2000;
PWindowPlacement = ^TWindowPlacement;
TWindowPlacement = record
length: Word;
flags: Word;
showCmd: Word;
ptMinPosition: TPoint;
ptMaxPosition: TPoint;
rcNormalPosition: TRect;
PSize = ^TSize;
TSize = record
cX: Integer;
cY: Integer;
TOldFontEnumProc = TFarProc;
TFontEnumProc = TFarProc;
TrueType_FontType = $0004;
PKerningPair = ^TKerningPair;
TKerningPair = record
wFirst: Word;
wSecond: Word;
iKernAmount: Integer;
PComStat = ^TComStat;
TComStat = record
status: Byte;
cbInQue: Word;
cbOutQue: Word;
cstf_ctsHold = $01;
cstf_dsrHold = $02;
cstf_rlsdHold = $04;
cstf_xoffHold = $08;
cstf_xoffSent = $10;
cstf_Eof = $20;
cstf_txim = $40;
PDebugHookInfo = ^TDebugHookInfo;
TDebugHookInfo = record
hModuleHook: THandle;
reserved: Longint;
lParam: Longint;
wParam: Word;
code: Integer;
{ Flags returned by GetSystemDebugState. }
sds_Menu = $0001;
sds_SysModal = $0002;
sds_NoTaskQueue = $0004;
sds_Dialog = $0008;
sds_TaskLocked = $0010;
{ Constants passed to WinHelp }
help_Contents = $0003;
help_SetContents = $0005;
help_ContextPopup = $0008;
help_ForceFile = $0009;
help_Command = $0102;
help_PartialKey = $0105;
help_SetWinPos = $0203;
PHelpWinInfo = ^THelpWinInfo;
THelpWinInfo = record
wStructSize: Integer;
x: Integer;
y: Integer;
dx: Integer;
dy: Integer;
wMax: Integer;
rgchMember: array[0..1] of Char;
{ Struct pointed to by WM_GETMINMAXINFO lParam }
PMinMaxInfo = ^TMinMaxInfo;
TMinMaxInfo = record
ptReserved: TPoint;
ptMaxSize: TPoint;
ptMaxPosition: TPoint;
ptMinTrackSize: TPoint;
ptMaxTrackSize: TPoint;
PSegInfo = ^TSegInfo;
TSegInfo = record
offSegment: Word;
cbSegment: Word;
flags: Word;
cbAlloc: Word;
h: THandle;
alignShift: Word;
reserved: array[0..1] of Word;
gfsr_SystemResources = $0000;
gfsr_GDIResources = $0001;
gfsr_UserResources = $0002;
{ function changed from Windows 3.0 to Windows 3.1 }
procedure AnsiToOem(AnsiStr, OemStr: PChar);
procedure AnsiToOemBuff(AnsiStr, OemStr: PChar; Length: Word);
function BringWindowToTop(Wnd: HWnd): Bool;
function EndDeferWindowPos(WinPosInfo: THandle): Bool;
function Escape(DC: HDC; Escape, Count: Integer; InData: PChar;
OutData: Pointer): Integer;
function FrameRect(DC: HDC; var Rect: TRect; Brush: HBrush): Integer;
function GetMenuItemCount(Menu: HMenu): Integer;
function GetInstanceData(Instance: THandle; Data: PByte;
Count: Integer): Integer;
procedure GlobalUnfix(Mem: THandle);
procedure OemToAnsi(OemStr, AnsiStr: PChar);
procedure OemToAnsiBuff(OemStr, AnsiStr: PChar; Length: Word);
function SetResourceHandler(Instance: THandle; ResType: PChar;
LoadFunc: TFarProc): TFarProc;
procedure UnlockSegment(Segment: Word);
function CreateBitmap(Width, Height: Integer; Planes, BitCount: Word;
Bits: Pointer): HBitmap;
{ functions new to Windows 3.1 }
function GetTextExtentPoint(DC: HDC; Str: PChar; Count: Integer;
var Size: Integer): Bool;
function GetSystemDebugState: Longint;
function LockInput(h1: THandle; hwndInput: HWnd; fLock: Bool): Bool;
function QuerySendMessage(h1, h2, h3: THandle; lpmsg: PMsg): Bool;
function EnumFonts(DC: HDC; lpszFace: PChar; fntenmprc: TOldFontEnumProc;
lpszData: PChar): Integer;
function GetWinDebugInfo(DebugInfo: PWinDebugInfo; Flags: Word): Bool;
function SetWinDebugInfo(DebugInfo: PWinDebugInfo): Bool;
function IsBadReadPtr(lp: Pointer; cb: Word): Bool;
function IsBadWritePtr(lp: Pointer; cb: Word): Bool;
function IsBadHugeReadPtr(lp: Pointer; cb: Longint): Bool;
function IsBadHugeWritePtr(lp: Pointer; cb: Longint): Bool;
function IsBadCodePtr(lpfn: TFarProc): Bool;
function IsBadStringPtr(lpsz: PChar; cchMax: Word): Bool;
procedure DirectedYield(Task: TTask);
function PrestoChangoSelector(SourceSel, DestSel: Word): Word;
function GetSelectorBase(Selector: Word): Longint;
function SetSelectorBase(Selector: Word; Base: Longint): Word;
function GetSelectorLimit(Selector: Word): Longint;
function SetSelectorLimit(Selector: Word; Base: Longint): Word;
function GetDriverInfo(hDriver: THandle; lpdis: PDriverInfoStruct): Bool;
function GetWindowPlacement(Wnd: HWnd; Placement: PWindowPlacement): Bool;
function SetWindowPlacement(Wnd: HWnd; Placement: PWindowPlacement): Bool;
function DlgDirSelectEx(Dlg: HWnd; Path: PChar; cbPath: Integer;
ListBox: Integer): Bool;
function DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx(Dlg: HWnd; Path: PChar; cbPath: Integer;
ComboBox: Integer): Bool;
function GetTimerResolution: Longint;
function ExitWindowsExec(Exe: PChar; Params: PChar): Bool;
function SpoolFile(Printer, Port, Job, F: PChar): THandle;
function QueryAbort(DC: HDC; Reserved: Integer): Bool;
function SetWindowOrgEx(DC: HDC; nX, nY: Integer; Point: PPoint): Bool;
function GetWindowOrgEx(DC: HDC; Point: PPoint): Bool;
function SetWindowExtEx(DC: HDC; nX, nY: Integer; Size: PSize): Bool;
function GetWindowExtEx(DC: HDC; Size: PSize): Bool;
function OffsetWindowOrgEx(DC: HDC; nX, nY: Integer; Point: PPoint): Bool;
function ScaleWindowExtEx(DC: HDC; Xnum, Xdenom, Ynum, Ydenom: Integer;
Size: PSize): Bool;
function SetViewportExtEx(DC: HDC; nX, nY: Integer; Size: PSize): Bool;
function GetViewportExtEx(DC: HDC; Size: PSize): Bool;
function SetViewportOrgEx(DC: HDC; nX, nY: Integer; Point: PPoint): Bool;
function GetViewportOrgEx(DC: HDC; Point: PPoint): Bool;
function OffsetViewportOrgEx(DC: HDC; nX, nY: Integer; Point: PPoint): Bool;
function ScaleViewportExtEx(DC: HDC; Xnum, Xdenom, Ynum, Ydenom: Integer;
Size: PSize): Bool;
function GetBrushOrgEx(DC: HDC; Point: PPoint): Bool;
function MoveToEx(DC: HDC; nX, nY: Integer; Point: PPoint): Bool;
function GetCurrentPositionEx(DC: HDC; Point: PPoint): Bool;
function GetAspectRatioFilterEx(DC: HDC; Size: PSize): Bool;
function EnumFontFamilies(DC: HDC; Family: PChar;
EnumProc: TFontEnumProc; Data: PChar): Integer;
function GetKerningPairs(DC: HDC; i: Integer; Pair: PKerningPair): Integer;
function SetBitmapDimensionEx(BM: HBitmap; nX, nY: Integer; Size: PSize): Bool;
function GetBitmapDimensionEx(BM: HBitmap; Size: PSize): Bool;
function SetMetaFileBitsBetter(mf: THandle): THandle;
function StartDoc(DC: HDC; var di: TDocInfo): Integer;
function StartPage(DC: HDC): Integer;
function EndPage(DC: HDC): Integer;
function EndDoc(DC: HDC): Integer;
function AbortDoc(DC: HDC): Integer;
function SetAbortProc(DC: HDC; AbortProc: TAbortProc): Integer;
function IsTask(Task: THandle): Bool;
function GetFreeSystemResources(SysResource: Word): Word;
function GlobalAllocPtr(Flags: Word; Bytes: Longint): Pointer;
function GlobalReAllocPtr(Mem: Pointer; NewBytes: Longint; Flags: Word): Pointer;
function GlobalFreePtr(Mem: Pointer): Bool;
function GlobalLockPtr(Mem: Pointer): Bool;
procedure GlobalUnlockPtr(Mem: Pointer);
procedure LogError(Err: Word; Info: Pointer);
procedure LogParamError(Err: Word; fn: TFarProc; Param: Pointer);
function IsDBCSLeadByte(Ch: Byte): Bool;
function GetDCEx(Wnd: HWnd; Clip: HRgn; Flags: Longint): HDC;
function IsGDIObject(Obj: THandle): Bool;
function SetBoundsRect(DC: HDC; var Bounds: TRect; Flags: Word): Word;
function GetBoundsRect(DC: HDC; var Bounds: TRect; Flags: Word): Word;
function ConvertOutlineFontFile(A, B, C: PChar): Longint;
function GetFontData(hdc: HDC; dwTable, dwOffset: Longint; lpvBuffer: PChar;
cbData: Longint): Longint;
function GetGlyphOutline(hdc: HDC; uChar, fuFormat: Word;
var lpgm: TGlyphMetrics; cbBuffer: Longint; lpBuffer: PChar;
var lpMat2: TMat2): Longint;
function CreateScalableFontResource(fHidden: Word; lpszResourceFile,
lpszFontFile, lpszCurrentPath: PChar): Bool;
function GetCharABCWidths(hdc: HDC; uFirstChar, uLastChar: Word;
var lpabc: TABC): Bool;
function GetRasterizerCaps(var lpRastStat: TRasterizer_Status;
cbNumBytes: Integer): Bool;
function GetOutlineTextMetrics(hdc: HDC; cbData: Word;
lpotm: POutlineTextMetric): Word;
function GetMessageExtraInfo: Longint;
function GetOpenClipboardWindow: HWnd;
function GetQueueStatus(Flags: Word): Longint;
function IsMenu(Menu: HMenu): Bool;
function RedrawWindow(Wnd: HWnd; UpdateRect: PRect; UpdateRgn: HRgn;
Flags: Word): Bool;
function LockWindowUpdate(Wnd: HWnd): Bool;
function ScrollWindowEx(Wnd: HWnd; dx, dy: Integer; Scroll, Clip: PRect; UpdateRgn: HRgn;
UpdateRect: PRect; Flags: Word): Integer;
function EnableScrollBar(hwnd: HWnd; fnSBFlags: Integer;
fuArrowFlags: Word): Bool;
function CopyCursor(hInst: THandle; hCur: HCursor): HCursor;
function GetCursor: HCursor;
procedure GetClipCursor(var Rect: TRect);
function CopyIcon(hInst: THandle; Icon: HIcon): HIcon;
procedure MapWindowPoints(FromWnd, ToWnd: HWnd; var Point; Count: Word);
procedure MapWindowRect(FromWnd, ToWnd: HWnd; var Rect: TRect);
function SubtractRect(var Dest, Source1, Source2: TRect): Bool;
function SetWindowsHookEx(HookId: Integer; Hook: THookProc; Module, Task: THandle): HHook;
function UnhookWindowsHookEx(Hook: HHook): Bool;
function CallNextHookEx(Hook: HHook; Code: Integer; wParam: Word; lParam: Longint): Longint;
function EnableCommNotification(idComDev: Integer; hwnd: HWnd;
cbWriteNotify, cbOutQueue: Integer): Bool;
function OpenDriver(DriverName, SectionName: PChar; lParam2: Longint): THandle;
function CloseDriver(Driver: THandle; lParam1, lParam2: Longint): Longint;
function GetDriverModuleHandle(Driver: THandle): THandle;
function SendDriverMessage(Driver: THandle; message: Word; lParam1,
lParam2: Longint): Longint;
function GetNextDriver(Driver: THandle; lParam: Longint): THandle;
function lstrcpyn(String1, String2: PChar; i: Integer): PChar;
procedure hmemcpy(p1, p2: Pointer; L: Longint);
{ Not exported by any DLL but included in WINDOWS.H
function SetDriverMessage(Driver: THandle; Message: Word; lParam1, lParam2: LongInt): LongInt; }
function DefDriverProc(DriverIdentifier: Longint; DriverId: THandle; Message: Word; lParam1, lParam2: Longint): Longint;
function SystemParametersInfo(Action, wParam: Word; lParam: Pointer;
UpdateWinIni: Word): Bool;
{ Provided for compatiblity only. Should use the Pascal RTL functions
Ptr, Off, and Seg instead. }
function MakeLP(Sel, Off: Word): Pointer;
$5A/ { POP DX }
$58); { POP AX }
function SelectorOf(lp: Pointer): THandle;
$5A/ { POP DX }
$58); { POP AX }
function OffsetOf(lp: Pointer): Word;
$58/ { POP AX }
$5A); { POP DX }
uses WinProcs;
function GlobalAllocPtr(Flags: Word; Bytes: Longint): Pointer;
GlobalAllocPtr := Ptr(GlobalAlloc(Flags, Bytes), 0);
function GlobalReAllocPtr(Mem: Pointer; NewBytes: Longint; Flags: Word): Pointer;
GlobalReAllocPtr := Ptr(GlobalReAlloc(Seg(Mem), NewBytes, Flags), 0);
function GlobalFreePtr(Mem: Pointer): Bool;
GlobalFreePtr := Bool(GlobalFree(Seg(Mem)));
function GlobalLockPtr(Mem: Pointer): Bool;
GlobalLockPtr := Bool(GlobalLock(Seg(Mem)));
procedure GlobalUnlockPtr(Mem: Pointer);
procedure MapWindowRect(FromWnd, ToWnd: HWnd; var Rect: TRect);
MapWindowPoints(FromWnd, ToWnd, Rect, 2);
procedure AnsiToOem; external 'KEYBOARD' index 5;
procedure AnsiToOemBuff; external 'KEYBOARD' index 134;
function BringWindowToTop; external 'USER' index 45;
function CreateBitmap; external 'GDI' index 48;
function EndDeferWindowPos; external 'USER' index 261;
function Escape; external 'GDI' index 38;
function FrameRect; external 'USER' index 83;
function GetMenuItemCount; external 'USER' index 263;
function GetInstanceData; external 'KERNEL' index 54;
procedure GlobalUnfix; external 'KERNEL' index 198;
procedure OemToAnsi; external 'KEYBOARD' index 6;
procedure OemToAnsiBuff; external 'KEYBOARD' index 135;
function SetResourceHandler; external 'KERNEL' index 67;
procedure UnlockSegment; external 'KERNEL' index 24;
function IsTask; external 'KERNEL' index 320;
function GetFreeSystemResources; external 'USER' index 284;
procedure LogError; external 'KERNEL' index 324;
procedure LogParamError; external 'KERNEL' index 325;
function IsDBCSLeadByte; external 'KERNEL' index 207;
function GetDCEx; external 'USER' index 359;
function IsGDIObject; external 'GDI' index 462;
function SetBoundsRect; external 'GDI' index 193;
function GetBoundsRect; external 'GDI' index 194;
function ConvertOutlineFontFile; external 'GDI' index 312;
function GetFontData; external 'GDI' index 311;
function GetGlyphOutline; external 'GDI' index 309;
function CreateScalableFontResource; external 'GDI' index 310;
function GetCharABCWidths; external 'GDI' index 307;
function GetRasterizerCaps; external 'GDI' index 313;
function GetOutlineTextMetrics; external 'GDI' index 308;
function GetMessageExtraInfo; external 'USER' index 288;
function GetOpenClipboardWindow; external 'USER' index 248;
function GetQueueStatus; external 'USER' index 334;
function IsMenu; external 'USER' index 358;
function RedrawWindow; external 'USER' index 290;
function LockWindowUpdate; external 'USER' index 294;
function ScrollWindowEx; external 'USER' index 319;
function EnableScrollBar; external 'USER' index 482;
function CopyCursor; external 'USER' index 369;
function GetCursor; external 'USER' index 247;
procedure GetClipCursor; external 'USER' index 309;
function CopyIcon; external 'USER' index 368;
procedure MapWindowPoints; external 'USER' index 258;
function SetWindowsHookEx; external 'USER' index 291;
function UnhookWindowsHookEx; external 'USER' index 292;
function CallNextHookEx; external 'USER' index 293;
function EnableCommNotification; external 'USER' index 245;
function OpenDriver; external 'USER' index 252;
function CloseDriver; external 'USER' index 253;
function GetDriverModuleHandle; external 'USER' index 254;
function DefDriverProc; external 'USER' index 255;
function GetNextDriver; external 'USER' index 257;
function SubtractRect; external 'USER' index 373;
function SystemParametersInfo; external 'USER' index 483;
function WNetAddConnection; external 'USER' index 517;
function WNetGetConnection; external 'USER' index 512;
function WNetCancelConnection; external 'USER' index 518;
function GetWinDebugInfo; external 'KERNEL' index 355;
function SetWinDebugInfo; external 'KERNEL' index 356;
function IsBadReadPtr; external 'KERNEL' index 334;
function IsBadWritePtr; external 'KERNEL' index 335;
function IsBadHugeReadPtr; external 'KERNEL' index 346;
function IsBadHugeWritePtr; external 'KERNEL' index 347;
function IsBadCodePtr; external 'KERNEL' index 336;
function IsBadStringPtr; external 'KERNEL' index 337;
procedure DirectedYield; external 'KERNEL' index 150;
function PrestoChangoSelector; external 'KERNEL' index 177;
function GetSelectorBase; external 'KERNEL' index 186;
function SetSelectorBase; external 'KERNEL' index 187;
function GetSelectorLimit; external 'KERNEL' index 188;
function SetSelectorLimit; external 'KERNEL' index 189;
function SendDriverMessage; external 'USER' index 251;
function GetDriverInfo; external 'USER' index 256;
function GetWindowPlacement; external 'USER' index 370;
function SetWindowPlacement; external 'USER' index 371;
function DlgDirSelectEx; external 'USER' index 422;
function DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx; external 'USER' index 423;
function GetTimerResolution; external 'USER' index 14;
function ExitWindowsExec; external 'USER' index 246;
function GetSystemDebugState; external 'USER' index 231;
function QuerySendMessage; external 'USER' index 184;
function LockInput; external 'USER' index 226;
function GetTextExtentPoint; external 'GDI' index 471;
function SpoolFile; external 'GDI' index 254;
function QueryAbort; external 'GDI' index 155;
function SetWindowOrgEx; external 'GDI' index 482;
function GetWindowOrgEx; external 'GDI' index 475;
function SetWindowExtEx; external 'GDI' index 481;
function GetWindowExtEx; external 'GDI' index 474;
function OffsetWindowOrgEx; external 'GDI' index 477;
function ScaleWindowExtEx; external 'GDI' index 485;
function SetViewportExtEx; external 'GDI' index 479;
function GetViewportExtEx; external 'GDI' index 472;
function SetViewportOrgEx; external 'GDI' index 480;
function GetViewportOrgEx; external 'GDI' index 473;
function OffsetViewportOrgEx; external 'GDI' index 476;
function ScaleViewportExtEx; external 'GDI' index 484;
function GetBrushOrgEx; external 'GDI' index 469;
function MoveToEx; external 'GDI' index 483;
function GetCurrentPositionEx; external 'GDI' index 470;
function GetAspectRatioFilterEx; external 'GDI' index 486;
function EnumFontFamilies; external 'GDI' index 330;
function EnumFonts; external 'GDI' index 70;
function GetKerningPairs; external 'GDI' index 332;
function SetBitmapDimensionEx; external 'GDI' index 478;
function GetBitmapDimensionEx; external 'GDI' index 468;
function SetMetaFileBitsBetter; external 'GDI' index 196;
function StartDoc; external 'GDI' index 377;
function StartPage; external 'GDI' index 379;
function EndPage; external 'GDI' index 380;
function EndDoc; external 'GDI' index 378;
function AbortDoc; external 'GDI' index 382;
function SetAbortProc; external 'GDI' index 381;
function lstrcpyn; external 'KERNEL' index 353;
procedure hmemcpy; external 'KERNEL' index 348;